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HA in Franchising Restoration

The handling and preparation of food every day demands more professionalism and higher standards. The processes that are to be followed are not merely cleaning and we must give them the importance they require. The personnel, the costs ... must be controlled, for this ecobac and its distributors work hand in hand in the study of L + D practices, personnel training, quality of materials and specific advice to the needs of each installation.


Our training program follows clear precepts:

Training- Improve results and reduce costs

Planning - Ensures food safety and its effectiveness

Project advice - The use of correct construction materials or their design, reduce application times and costs in both materials and personnel.

Ecobac has developed the concept of continuous disinfection, Sanibac Pro Gel ... when every time we clean during the day we also disinfect.

The reduction of packaging, consumption and improve the application in the systems of industrial washing in kitchen, has been one of our objectives when creating ...

We created a specific dishwasher soap for the gastro sector, with notable qualities in its degreasing action and a peculiar speed of rinsing ...

Hand hygiene is fundamental and primary for the control of contamination in the kitchen. Ecobac creates the perfect system for hand washing and disinfection ...

Safety in the workplace is vital, ecobac provides the solution to this problem in a definitive way with a single application treatment ...

Specific solutions to unique problems without major changes in their R & D protocols or complicated application systems ...

Ecobac develops and produces articles from the experience in gastro to give real solution to problems that our customers know and value ...

In contact with food safety criteria, the balance between economy and efficiency is one of the contributions we make with certified items ...

The use of adequate tools

in feeding is a need that we understand and implant in our development, the HA cloths ...

We study the systems in which there is direct contact with food to improve food safety, creating improvements in the systems ...

The use of specific tools in the

food environment becomes

fundamental. ecobac designs, manufactures and commercializes range ...

We changed the point of view of traditional systems introducing the recent technological improvements. Reducing work times in daily tasks ...

Hand hygiene is fundamental and primary for the control of contamination in the kitchen. Ecobac creates the perfect system for hand washing and disinfection ...

La fiabilidad necesaria en aplicaciones de contención e inocuidad para los procesos de almacenado en mantenedores o procesos de elaboración de patés...

The technology in generation of ozone guarantees us the non-existence of crossings between foods, as well as the control of bacteria in the processing or...

Ancla 1
Ancla 2
Ancla 3

Specific scrubbing systems for food, hotels, hospitals and general service applications. With special innovations in terms ...

The definitive innovation in terms of cutting systems and ergonomics, complying with food safety regulations and HACCP systems ...

The solutions that nature brings to the service of the food industry. We develop the effectiveness of pumice stone and apply it ...

© 2016 ecobac  





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